Without baptism invitations, no one will know you're getting baptized. It's cool if you just want to go out into the woods with your pastor to a secret lake and get baptized in the cool water in an intimate setting. That might be the most appropriate path to your spiritual growth. However, the most ideal path to your spiritual growth in the unified body, family, and essence of Christ is to gather together and congregate with his believers and let them watch your baptismal ceremony.
You can get a mega phone and shout it on the street, call random people in the yellow pages, and run up and down the street wildly, but the best way to alert your folks, friends, and invitees is to send them baptism invitations. There's nothing simpler than a pure, enlightened path toward spiritual growth through true growth in the Holy Spirit. The dedicated body of spiritual believers can accelerate this process. It's important to invite these kinds of people to your baptism so that they'll see that you're committed. Of course, the ceremony is only between you and God, but it should really be a public event that other believers can provide advice, opinions, and scriptural teachings on. Don't even think of inviting anyone negative to the baptism because those kinds of people will ultimately destroy your great comfort in the Christian life. People that profess to know Christ but instead practice rules have no place in your Christian life. It would be foolish, unwise, and imprudent to send them baptism invitations. Let them fend for themselves in a world devoid of free love and grace. They won't last long, and their judgment stick will come back to strike them.
Baptism invitations come in all colors, shapes, and sizes with all manner of adornments and decoration. White, pink, light blue, red, and yellow are common colors because they evoke images of purity, righteousness, heaven, blood, and laughter. Each is part of the whole when it comes to your Christian experience. Each card or envelope can express different elements of the feelings going through you as you go through various stages of maturity and development in your brilliant Christian life.
Get online, start looking for baptism invitations, and pick them out this very instant because your friends are in need of a good old fashioned spiritual showdown. What are you waiting for?
Jeff Fain is an author for Dependable Printing. Please visit Dependable Printing for a great selection of wedding invitations, wedding anniversary invitations, bridal shower invitations, baptism invitations, and much more.
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