Sunday, May 3, 2009

Adult Colonial Woman Halloween Costume

Swords, especially the combat and display varieties, don't really have much utility in modern times unlike your typical knife. That is why most people buy swords just to grow their collection.

Collecting swords is an enjoyable hobby but it could also be very expensive. This is especially true if you are collecting rare and antique swords. If you don't want to spend thousands of dollars in collecting antique swords, then you can simply collect replica swords or customized modern display or combat swords.

There are many types of swords. It would be too difficult to list them and accurately categorize each type of sword. For starters, you can start your collection by purchasing replica or display swords.

What You Should Know About Replica Swords

Replica swords can also be categorized as custom swords. That's because these items are made by copying the original sword design but blacksmiths typically include their own customized design.

The most common customized replica sword is the Japanese katana. The original combat katana is a dangerous weapon. It has razor sharp edge and known to cut a man in half with just a single stroke. However, display katana have blunt edges. Although there are items that are really sharp so you better be careful in handling this type of sword.

Other collectors tend to choose swords they saw in movies. For example the long bladed katana which was seen in the movie Kill Bill is a very popular item among sword collectors. You can order this type of sword from the Internet.

Most replica swords are very durable. These swords are made using the same principles in making the original. There are other display replica swords however that are not combat ready. This means the blade will be brittle and could break if excessive blunt force pressure is applied. But for most combat ready replica sword, you can use it to spar with another swordsman without inflicting damage on the blade.

Collecting Practice Swords to Learn Swordsmanship

You can also collect practice swords and use them to refine your skills in sword fighting. Usually, practice swords have blunt edges in order to protect the novice swordsman from serious injury.

Practice swords are more affordable than specialized customized display swords. So you can collect as many as you like and also learn how to handle them.

One of the best types of practice sword you can use is the Japanese wooden sword. Actually this wooden sword can also be used for combat and tournament play. The best thing is you will not get cut by using this sword. But you need to remember that the ancient Japanese used wooden swords for combat also. This means they can still injure you if not properly handled.

Collecting swords is fun and an enjoyable hobby. You may have to prepare yourself for some expenses but the majesty of your sword collection would be very rewarding and worth the expenses.

You can also make this hobby a profitable business. You could sell your swords or auction them if you want.

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